Mho/meter to Siemens/centimeter (mho/m to S/cm)
Mho/meter (Symbol or Abbreviation: mho/m)
Mho/meter is one of electric conductivity units. Mho/meter abbreviated or symbolized by mho/m. The value of 1 mho/meter is equal to 1 siemens/meter. In its relation with siemens/centimeter, 1 mho/meter is equal to 0.01 siemens/centimeter.
Relation with other units
1 mho/meter equals to 1 siemens/meter
1 mho/meter equals to 1,000,000,000,000 picosiemens/meter
1 mho/meter equals to 0.01 mho/centimeter
1 mho/meter equals to 1e-9 abmho/meter
1 mho/meter equals to 1e-11 abmho/centimeter
1 mho/meter equals to 898,750,000,000 statmho/meter
1 mho/meter equals to 8,987,500,000 statmho/centimeter
1 mho/meter equals to 0.01 siemens/centimeter
1 mho/meter equals to 1,000 millisiemens/meter
1 mho/meter equals to 10 millisiemens/centimeter
1 mho/meter equals to 1,000,000 microsiemens/meter
1 mho/meter equals to 10,000 microsiemens/centimeter
1 mho/meter equals to 10,000 electrical conductivity unit
1 mho/meter equals to 1,000 conductivity factor
1 mho/meter equals to 7,000 parts per million, 700 scale
1 mho/meter equals to 5,000 parts per million, 500 scale
1 mho/meter equals to 6,400 parts per million, 640 scale
1 mho/meter equals to 6,400 TDS, parts per million, 640 scale
1 mho/meter equals to 5,500 TDS, parts per million, 550 scale
1 mho/meter equals to 5,000 TDS, parts per million, 500 scale
1 mho/meter equals to 7,000 TDS, parts per million, 700 scale
Siemens/centimeter (Symbol or Abbreviation: S/cm)
Siemens/centimeter is one of electric conductivity units. Siemens/centimeter abbreviated or symbolized by S/cm. The value of 1 siemens/centimeter is equal to 100 siemens/meter. In its relation with mho/meter, 1 siemens/centimeter is equal to 100 mho/meter.
Relation with other units
1 siemens/centimeter equals to 100 siemens/meter
1 siemens/centimeter equals to 100,000,000,000,000 picosiemens/meter
1 siemens/centimeter equals to 100 mho/meter
1 siemens/centimeter equals to 1 mho/centimeter
1 siemens/centimeter equals to 1e-7 abmho/meter
1 siemens/centimeter equals to 1e-9 abmho/centimeter
1 siemens/centimeter equals to 89,875,000,000,000 statmho/meter
1 siemens/centimeter equals to 898,750,000,000 statmho/centimeter
1 siemens/centimeter equals to 100,000 millisiemens/meter
1 siemens/centimeter equals to 1,000 millisiemens/centimeter
1 siemens/centimeter equals to 100,000,000 microsiemens/meter
1 siemens/centimeter equals to 1,000,000 microsiemens/centimeter
1 siemens/centimeter equals to 1,000,000 electrical conductivity unit
1 siemens/centimeter equals to 100,000 conductivity factor
1 siemens/centimeter equals to 700,000 parts per million, 700 scale
1 siemens/centimeter equals to 500,000 parts per million, 500 scale
1 siemens/centimeter equals to 640,000 parts per million, 640 scale
1 siemens/centimeter equals to 640,000 TDS, parts per million, 640 scale
1 siemens/centimeter equals to 550,000 TDS, parts per million, 550 scale
1 siemens/centimeter equals to 500,000 TDS, parts per million, 500 scale
1 siemens/centimeter equals to 700,000 TDS, parts per million, 700 scale
How to convert Mho/meter to Siemens/centimeter (mho/m to S/cm):
Conversion Table for Mho/meter to Siemens/centimeter (mho/m to S/cm)
mho/meter (mho/m) | siemens/centimeter (S/cm) |
0.01 mho/m | 0.0001 S/cm |
0.1 mho/m | 0.001 S/cm |
1 mho/m | 0.01 S/cm |
2 mho/m | 0.02 S/cm |
3 mho/m | 0.03 S/cm |
4 mho/m | 0.04 S/cm |
5 mho/m | 0.05 S/cm |
6 mho/m | 0.06 S/cm |
7 mho/m | 0.07 S/cm |
8 mho/m | 0.08 S/cm |
9 mho/m | 0.09 S/cm |
10 mho/m | 0.1 S/cm |
20 mho/m | 0.2 S/cm |
25 mho/m | 0.25 S/cm |
50 mho/m | 0.5 S/cm |
75 mho/m | 0.75 S/cm |
100 mho/m | 1 S/cm |
250 mho/m | 2.5 S/cm |
500 mho/m | 5 S/cm |
750 mho/m | 7.5 S/cm |
1,000 mho/m | 10 S/cm |
100,000 mho/m | 1,000 S/cm |
1,000,000,000 mho/m | 10,000,000 S/cm |
1,000,000,000,000 mho/m | 10,000,000,000 S/cm |
Conversion Table for Siemens/centimeter to Mho/meter (S/cm to mho/m)
siemens/centimeter (S/cm) | mho/meter (mho/m) |
0.01 S/cm | 1 mho/m |
0.1 S/cm | 10 mho/m |
1 S/cm | 100 mho/m |
2 S/cm | 200 mho/m |
3 S/cm | 300 mho/m |
4 S/cm | 400 mho/m |
5 S/cm | 500 mho/m |
6 S/cm | 600 mho/m |
7 S/cm | 700 mho/m |
8 S/cm | 800 mho/m |
9 S/cm | 900 mho/m |
10 S/cm | 1,000 mho/m |
20 S/cm | 2,000 mho/m |
25 S/cm | 2,500 mho/m |
50 S/cm | 5,000 mho/m |
75 S/cm | 7,500 mho/m |
100 S/cm | 10,000 mho/m |
250 S/cm | 25,000 mho/m |
500 S/cm | 50,000 mho/m |
750 S/cm | 75,000 mho/m |
1,000 S/cm | 100,000 mho/m |
100,000 S/cm | 10,000,000 mho/m |
1,000,000,000 S/cm | 100,000,000,000 mho/m |
1,000,000,000,000 S/cm | 100,000,000,000,000 mho/m |
Steps to Convert Mho/meter to Siemens/centimeter (mho/m to S/cm)
- Example: Convert 79 mho/meter to siemens/centimeter (79 mho/m to S/cm).
- 1 mho/meter is equivalent to 0.01 siemens/centimeter (1 mho/m is equivalent to 0.01 S/cm).
- 79 mho/meter (mho/m) is equivalent to 79 times 0.01 siemens/centimeter (S/cm).
- Retrieved 79 mho/meter is equivalent to 0.79 siemens/centimeter (79 mho/m is equivalent to 0.79 S/cm).